While much of the country battles snowdrifts and icy winds, winter in southern Utah offers a different story. With its crisp air, sunny skies, and breathtaking red rock landscapes, the mild winters in St. George create the perfect backdrop for...
Vista Healthcare’s Sports Spine and Injury Center (SSIC) is not your average chiropractic or physical therapy office. It offers a unique, integrated approach to healing right in the heart of St. George, Utah. Led by chiropractor Russ Jepson, DC, and...
Research by psychologists like Martin Seligman emphasizes that meaningful, lasting change often comes from small, intentional actions that can lead to significant shifts over time. By focusing on tiny adjustments, individuals can build a foundation...
Most people start thinking about resolutions for a healthier lifestyle at the beginning of a new year. Talking to your primary care physician about adopting new habits can give your goals a boost, reminding you that a healthy lifestyle really is possible.