The new year is an excellent time to commit or recommit to creating your best self. If you are holding back, hesitating to create your best life until after some small or large event has taken place, you may never get around to it. Playing the...
The more science learns about the brain, the more we know that the old patterns that began long ago are our ultimate sovereigns. They run and run and run undetected by us until we are mindful enough to see them and do the work to rewrite them...
New Year’s resolutions have always fascinated me. They’re humanity’s collective declaration of war against mediocrity, shouted into the void of January 1st. For some reason, many of us believe that the flip of a calendar page holds the power to change...
We use discernment every day. We decide what is appropriate attire for a job interview, what our discouraged loved one needs to feel lighter, and when we are burned out and need to say, “No. Not this time.” Below are several ways to help boost your...