When Tisa Zito’s two best friends passed away, she dealt with her grief in the only way she knew how. Sifting through treasure troves of old photos and video footage, she created short documentary films celebrating their lives. Today, Zito, film...
At that precise moment, those were hardly the words Ricky Urias expected to hear from his daughter, Serina. After all, the then 20-year-old was exhausted, every fiber of her body was scorched and screaming, and tears were pouring down her face...
The estimated 11,500 international athletes who will converge on St. George, Utah, in October for the annual Huntsman World Senior Games will be vying for more than medals, spots on the podium, and bragging rights. Beginning this year, every Games...
When Janene Burton’s flight home from her vacation was delayed by a day, causing her to miss the deadline to get on the ballot for Santa Clara City Council, she took steps—thousands of them—to ensure she’d still get into the race. Despite joining the field as a write-in candidate, Burton garnered the second highest number of votes in November of 2023. It would not be her only crowning achievement.