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Current Articles

Mayor's Message

Mayor's Message

September 02, 20242 min read

It’s been a hot summer. Fortunately, we live in the year 2024. On any given day, I can go from my air-conditioned home to my air-conditioned car to the air-conditioned City Hall. I might even stop at the grocery store, go to a movie, or visit a relative’s home—air-conditioned at every stop along the way. 

This hasn’t always been the case, but the relentless heat didn’t stop those who settled St. George in 1861 from laying the groundwork for what our city would become.

To recognize those who endured so much so long ago and to make sure we never forget their sacrifices, I decided it was time to establish the Dixie Days Celebration. Join us September 8–14, 2024, for a spectacular week of festivities as we celebrate the rich heritage and vibrant community spirit of St. George, Utah. 

Consider Dixie Days a community party. We have a fantastic lineup of events and activities for all ages. Enjoy a variety of attractions, including a fireside talk, engaging film screenings, a golf tournament, the exciting Dixie Roundup Rodeo and parade, and so much more. 

Dixie Days culminates with a festival on September 14 at Historic Town Square that includes food, lively entertainment, and booths that highlight our pioneer heritage. You can find a complete rundown of Dixie Days at Let’s show everybody why we call it the Dixie Spirit! I’ll see you there.

Dixie Roundup Rodeo Set for Its Ninetieth Rodeo Event

Part of the Dixie Days celebration is the ninetieth annual Dixie Roundup Rodeo, slated for September 12–14 at the historic Dixie Sunbowl. Hosted by the St. George Lions Club, this event has long been a tradition in our community. 

The first rodeo event took place in 1935 at the current location of Historic Town Square, south of the Woodward School. According to the Washington County Historical Society, there were no fences, so wagons and cars were used to delimit the arena. Now, nearly 5,000 people attend the rodeo each night at the Sunbowl, captivated by the brave cowboys, skilled ropers, and barrel riders, while mouths water from the smell of the Roundup’s signature burgers.

I was so excited to hear that this year’s grand marshal will be Lyman Hafen. Lyman might be our area’s greatest living author, having written about a variety of subjects over the last forty years. He was also the President and CEO of the Zion National Park Forever Project for twenty-five years before his recent retirement. That résumé alone would warrant the grand marshal recognition, but did you know that Lyman also won the Utah State High School Rodeo All-Around Championship as a teenager in 1973? He’s got “horse cred,” if I can invent a term.

September is a big month in St. George. We hope to see you out and about, celebrating our community with us!

mayors messagest. george
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Mayor Michelle Randall

Michele Randall was appointed the 33rd Mayor of St. George on January 19, 2021 during a special City Council meeting, becoming the first female mayor in the history of St. George. She was elected to her first full term as Mayor in November of 2021. Twice elected to the St. George City Council, Michele serves as the liaison to the St. George Police Department and St. George Fire Department, as well as on the board of directors for many civic groups and non-profit organizations.

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