For Better Sleep, Stay out of Bed

It’s no secret that, for most of us, sleep is one of the most important factors in our quality of life. At one point or another, most people will experience some form of insomnia. This may be due to l... ...more

General Wellness ,Mental and Emotional Health Physical Health &September/October 2024

September 02, 20243 min read

For Better Sleep, Stay out of Bed

Rescue Alert of Dixie, Providing Independence and Peace of Mind

What can Rescue Alert of Dixie do for me or my loved one?” First, they help provide independence. They help you to continue to live where you want to live and do the things you like to do. Second, the... ...more

Community ,General Wellness Physical Health &September/October 2024

September 02, 20243 min read

Rescue Alert of Dixie, Providing Independence and Peace of Mind

Oxygen Therapy Can Help You Feel Your Best This Fall

Cooler temperatures during the fall season make it the perfect time to get outside, increase the physical activity your body needs, and enjoy the outdoor sports you set aside during the heat of the su... ...more

Mental and Emotional Health ,Physical Health &September/October 2024

September 02, 20243 min read

Oxygen Therapy Can Help You Feel Your Best This Fall

Body Acceptance

Do you feel mentally, physically, and medically healthy but still fret about tiny imperfections in your appearance? Are you constantly thinking about your weight? Do you obsess over how you look? ...more

Mental and Emotional Health ,Physical Health &September/October 2024

September 02, 20245 min read

Body Acceptance

Are Parasites Robbing Your Health?

The idea of a parasite cleanse was initially met with skepticism. Parasites seemed like a far-off concern, something you hear about in exotic travel advisories, not something that could be lurking wit... ...more

General Wellness ,Physical Health &September/October 2024

September 02, 20245 min read

Are Parasites Robbing Your Health?

Your Skin and the Sun

This beautiful weather in Southern Utah comes with a downside: the sunshine has the potential to cause skin damage—also known as photoaging, photo damage, or solar damage—that can occur when ultraviol... ...more

General Wellness ,Physical Health &September/October 2024

September 02, 20245 min read

Your Skin and the Sun

The Calcium Connection

There is a higher rates of calcium deficiency found in people living in warmer climates, like southern Utah. It seems we work so much harder to avoid being in the sun that our bodies miss out on the p... ...more

General Wellness ,Physical Health &September/October 2024

September 02, 20243 min read

The Calcium Connection

Four Things Parents and Youth Athletes Should Know About Concussions

Despite the attention drawn to the topic of concussions over the past decade, it can be difficult to find readily available answers about what parents and young athletes should do after sustaining a c... ...more

Physical Health ,September/October 2024

September 01, 20243 min read

Four Things Parents and Youth Athletes Should Know About Concussions

Throat Energy: Activate Creative Expression and Your Body’s Metabolism

What is throat energy? It is the spiritual and energetic component that gives energy to your voice, thyroid, neck, ears, shoulders, cervical spine, hypothalamus, jaw, tonsils, and esophagus. ...more

General Wellness ,Mental and Emotional Health Physical Health &September/October 2024

September 01, 20243 min read

Throat Energy: Activate Creative Expression and Your Body’s Metabolism

Cold Plunge, Sauna, and Float Therapy

I gasp as I enter the frigid water. My breath slowly normalizes as I adapt to the forty-five-degree cold plunge. My survival instincts take over, and I breathe through the intensity of the cold. I ent... ...more

Mental and Emotional Health ,Physical Health &September/October 2024

September 01, 20243 min read

Cold Plunge, Sauna, and Float Therapy

Overcoming Knee Pain in Southern Utah

Knee pain prevents many from fully enjoying the beauty of southern Utah. Some have turned to prescription pain medications or even considered knee replacement surgery. Fortunately, the expert care tea... ...more

Physical Health ,September/October 2024

September 01, 20242 min read

Overcoming Knee Pain in Southern Utah

Sleep Apnea is More than a Snore

Snoring throughout the night. Gasping for air suddenly while sleeping. Feeling tired after a night of rest. These aren’t just signs of a poor night’s sleep, they could be symptoms of obstructive sleep... ...more

General Wellness ,Physical Health &September/October 2024

September 01, 20243 min read

Sleep Apnea is More than a Snore

Your Body Machine

As we mature, we gain more knowledge. We learn that germs, exposure, antibodies, disease, and even some genetics will influence our overall health. In the face of these facts, we gradually lose our in... ...more

March/April 2024 ,General Wellness &Physical Health

March 01, 20245 min read

Your Body Machine

Warm Ups and Workouts That Will Boost Your Pickleball Performance

People who play pickleball become more active faster, see improved hand-eye coordination, and increase cardiovascular health. However, if you are not physically strong and prepared, the chance of inju... ...more

Fitness ,March/April 2024 &Physical Health

March 01, 20244 min read

Warm Ups and Workouts That Will Boost Your Pickleball Performance

Pickleball Injuries: Play Safe to Stay in the Game

Pickleball has rapidly gained popularity among people of all ages due to its accessibility and fun gameplay. However, like other sports, it comes with its risks of injury. According to ...more

Fitness ,March/April 2024 &Physical Health

March 01, 20244 min read

Pickleball Injuries: Play Safe to Stay in the Game

Staying Fit, Staying Young: The Power of Fitness

In today's fast-paced world, staying fit and maintaining youthfulness have become increasingly important. Many individuals are searching for ways to not only look and feel younger but also to lead a h... ...more

Fitness ,Jan/Feb 2024 &Physical Health

January 01, 20243 min read

Staying Fit, Staying Young: The Power of Fitness
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