I was recently introduced to an adjunct treatment to traditional periodontal therapy that I’m really excited about. I think it’s going to change the way we treat gum disease and will go a long way towards helping dental patients live healthier lives.
Gum disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth. These pathological bacteria secrete acids that irritate the gum tissue, causing them to become swollen and inflamed. This is called gingivitis. If gingivitis goes untreated, the disease begins affecting the bone. The bone erodes away and the attachment between tooth and bone is lost. This is periodontal disease.
It would be bad enough if only oral tissues were impacted, but studies have connected periodontal disease to atherosclerosis, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, she is twice as likely to have a preterm or low birth weight baby. A pregnant woman with periodontal disease is seven times more likely to have a preterm or low birth weight baby. The negative impact of gum disease on your overall health is undeniable.
Periodontal disease is most often treated through a process called scaling and root planing. This is sometimes referred to as a deep cleaning. During this process, bacteria is removed from the teeth, and the root surfaces are smoothed and polished so that bacteria can’t adhere as easily. It requires diligent home care and regular visits to the dentist to maintain healthy tissue once the disease process has started and bone loss has occurred. Antibiotic medicine that can be placed in the gum or mouth rinses are helpful. We even use soft tissue lasers that destroy bacteria and strengthen tissue.
The product that I’m excited about and that I am confident will raise the level of my patients’ health is from a company called Perio Protect. They’ve developed a hydrogen peroxide gel that is pushed down into the deepest part of the periodontal pocket through specialized trays. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is water with an extra oxygen molecule. As it breaks down, oxygen molecules are released. The bacteria that cause disease in our bodies are typically anaerobic; they can’t survive in the presence of oxygen. So the gel disinfects the tissue and weakens any built-up calculus that might be present.
I’m excited about this therapy because it’s nontoxic and minimally invasive. You simply line the special trays with the peroxide gel and put them on for fifteen minutes each day. Most people will wear them in the morning while they’re getting ready for the day.
I’ve studied the research, and it is sound. I truly believe that this will be a benefit to everyone who uses it. Perio Protect has a great website with information for patients as well as dental providers: www.perioprotect.com.
If you have gums that bleed when you brush or floss, it is not normal or healthy. If it seems like your gums are receding or you struggle with bad breath, this treatment can help. It even has the cool side effect of whitening your teeth. But don’t think that you have to have progressive disease to benefit from Perio Protect. I’ve invited all the members of my Plumb Dental team to each get their personalized trays, and I’ll be using it as well. Any practicing dentist can prescribe this treatment. Ask your provider if you might benefit from using Perio Protect to treat or help prevent gum disease.
Plumb Dental offers general dentistry for the entire family, including preventative care, root canals, implant restoration, cosmetic work—even whole smile makeovers. To schedule an appointment, call (435) 673-9606 or visit our website at plumbdental.com.