Your Body Machine

As we mature, we gain more knowledge. We learn that germs, exposure, antibodies, disease, and even some genetics will influence our overall health. In the face of these facts, we gradually lose our in... ...more

March/April 2024 ,General Wellness &Physical Health

March 01, 20245 min read

Your Body Machine

Warm Ups and Workouts That Will Boost Your Pickleball Performance

People who play pickleball become more active faster, see improved hand-eye coordination, and increase cardiovascular health. However, if you are not physically strong and prepared, the chance of inju... ...more

Fitness ,March/April 2024 &Physical Health

March 01, 20244 min read

Warm Ups and Workouts That Will Boost Your Pickleball Performance

Pickleball Injuries: Play Safe to Stay in the Game

Pickleball has rapidly gained popularity among people of all ages due to its accessibility and fun gameplay. However, like other sports, it comes with its risks of injury. According to ...more

Fitness ,March/April 2024 &Physical Health

March 01, 20244 min read

Pickleball Injuries: Play Safe to Stay in the Game

Staying Fit, Staying Young: The Power of Fitness

In today's fast-paced world, staying fit and maintaining youthfulness have become increasingly important. Many individuals are searching for ways to not only look and feel younger but also to lead a h... ...more

Fitness ,Jan/Feb 2024 &Physical Health

January 01, 20243 min read

Staying Fit, Staying Young: The Power of Fitness
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